30 December, 2005


The waves were restless as was I. There wasn't much color in the day, so much white and gray. Posted by Picasa

29 December, 2005


I promise you not a moment will be lost as long as I have heart & voice to speak & we will walk again together with a thousand others & a thousand more & on & on until there is no one among us who does not know the truth: there is no future without love. StoryPeople http://www.storypeople.com
 Posted by Picasa


The broken, the discarded: know that you are still beautiful in some people's eyes. There is intimacy in your fragility and that lends the world personality.  Posted by Picasa


Speaking of windows...  Posted by Picasa

22 December, 2005

Holiday Island, Arkansas

BUBBA!!! Only the cutest, most personality-filled, neurotic dog ever to walk the face of the earth!
The Golden Gate Bridge - Arkansas style. It's one lane. It's made out of pressure-treated wood. It creaks, it sounds like screaming, when you drive over it. It has a severely limited weight limit. It shakes. Need I say more?

Holiday Island Saturday morning - a bit o' blue sky and red foliage make this picture come alive. A morning walk with Dad & Bubba...

Friendship. Unbreakable by time, distance, or age...

Love you Dawnovan


St. Elizabeth Posted by Picasa


Merry Christmas, Mom. It really IS a pretty scarf and magic too, just like you wanted! Thank you SO much for making it possible for me to come out and just making everything so comfortable. I had a wonderful visit. I wish I was still there. I love you! Posted by Picasa


Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Dad!!!! Always will I cherish the memories of our walks and talks and your never-failing-listening ear. I love you. Posted by Picasa


Eureka Springs: a picturesque town, almost a village, with a history of rejuvination and health. A Room With a View: Mom and Dad bought property in Missouri. This is the view from the land.

Beaver Dam, my last morning, about 11 feet more shallow than last year, still carrying its own charm.

15 December, 2005

New Beginnings

In the mornings, when I head to the beach, it's often foggy, especially in the spring. There's something haunting about its mist, both rising from the water and descending from the sky.

The sun starts to burn it away and blue sky peeks through, like hope.

During low-tide, you can walk through the hole in that cave and feel like you are somewhere that very few people have ever been and anything is possible.

Again the pathways, leading anywhere you need to be, everywhere I want to be at any given time... (will be there again soon: I promise.)


The storypeople story of the day says this:
I held him close for only a short time, but after he was gone, I'd see his smile on the face of a perfect stranger & I knew he would be there with me all the rest of my days.
StoryPeople: http://www.storypeople.com

10 December, 2005

What Are You Looking At?

Mendocino, CA November, 2005
I'm looking at the sunrise. I wanted to stare into it, but it's a little too bright :)
It's renewing though. A new day. A fresh start, every day - what a gift. To bring people into that place and to let the newness fill them as it filled me, that's my desire.

Fences, doorways, windows... they all lead to something, somewhere else, anywhere but here...

And then there's you. What are you looking at? What are you thinking? I may never know. The sun has risen already; you missed the sunrise, but the same new day awaits you as it awaits me, casting shadows on yesterday and glaring brightly into tomorrow. There's a love in my heart for the you in this moment and I hope you find what you're looking for.

09 December, 2005

Til Death Do Us Part

There are so many things to think about when love is not new anymore and you're embarking on a life of togetherness. I took this photo while working on an "engagement photo shoot" and it is my favorite because they were talking. Perhaps I was coaching them, to an extent, asking them about their future together and knowing more than I should know about the challenges they will face. There's just something about romanticism, the painful reality that shatters it, and the gentle fantasy that puts it back together again.