01 December, 2007

Goodbye, Oh

Goodbye Oh-hi-oh.... Bye, Oh.

21 November, 2007

Chicken Update... they're two months old now

Oh and Gabriela checking out their new sunbathing "roof". Oh: not a big fan of the ramp... L-R: Oh, Petunia, and Gabriela

Two Months old... moving outside the bedroom

and into the coop!!!!!! Gabriela - so grown up! Gabriela sleeping -moving is hard work! Proud Mama! And check out one of two ramps I built them today - this one goes to their sunbathing table - I know, they're spoiled. Gabriela - learning to climb. Gabriela...

Baby Chicken Memory Book

At a few weeks old... This is their first time in the coop - this is their roosting bar - it's all kinda new to them. (Above: from left to right: Petunia, Gabriela, and Oh) Oh - she loves me. L-R: Petunia, Oh, and Gabriela Gabriela and Petunia on the ground in the ivy! Petunia, Oh, and Gabriela - you'd be surprised how hard it is to get them to all face the same way!

07 October, 2007

Behind the Scenes

Heading to the Scene
Why are you photographing me?
In action...
Sometimes, I have to boss people around....
and sometimes, people just look at you funny.

17 September, 2007

The babies!

Casa de Seth y Angelica

Seth & Baby Angelica and Seth again... Odin - the newest baby Seth & I

Love Family

Dakota has found a new friend! Grandpa, Dakota, & Duane Duane & Kelley, Shalayne, Grandpa & Grandma Again... Shalayne & Seth! (She just loves getting her pictures taken - can't you tell? I almost had to bribe her for this shot...)

28 April, 2007

The Secret Waterfalls...

I can't even describe how it felt... yummy "it's a long way from here to there" tjs