24 March, 2008

Easter Eggs!!!

It's noon on Easter day. Shalayne and I are driving home from Monterey and she says, "There will be eggs when you get there. They know it's Easter!" Up till this point, there weren't any eggs. We got home and ran out to check the chickens and there were no eggs but Gabriela was in bed. I was so scared. "What's wrong with her?" Shalayne said, "I don't know. Let's just wait." She stayed in bed and her beak kept opening and closing. I was so nervous. I'd already lost one chick, I couldn't handle another loss. Gabriela stood up and we watched her with wide-eyes and she dropped an egg!!! Right there in front of us!!! We screamed. Tears in our eyes we were just in shock... Gabriela hopped up on the edge and turned to check out what just came out of her. She cocked her head this way and that and then just walked away to tell Petunia her crazy experience. Then Shalayne said we could save the egg forever by blowing out the white and yolk. I didn't know what that meant! So I watched her delicately piercing the fragile shell with a needle and then blowing... And then it blew up. But that's okay.... Michael drank it and said it didn't have an after taste and of course they're omega-3 because I feed them flax seeds.... Oh it's so happy. I am so blessed. It's such a gift. And today, I had TWO eggs waiting for me!!!!! Go, Petunia, you're not a late-bloomer afterall!!!!!

20 March, 2008


When I'm getting ready for a wedding, I'm always testing my equipment.... I got a new camera so that I could have 2 lenses at the ready and in working with flashes and lenses, I decided to work with my favorite model: Dakota He's so patient.... and so handsome! ENJOY!