29 June, 2008

New Chicks part 2

New Chicks!

I'm excited to report the adoption of two new chicks. Three days old yesterday (June 28, 2008) they are Goldbug and Shy... I don't know if you can tell - Goldbug is yellow with black and white spots on her back, while Shy is brown with deep, sensitive eyes and beautiful markings. Goldbug is a daredevil already - I tried to take a picture of her in my open hand and she nose-dived about 4 1/2 feet... hope her brain is okay - that couldn't have been healthy. Shy is... as her name implies, shy. And the other girls? They won't be meeting face to face without the protection of a cage for a very long time. Too dangerous right now - there is some jealousy happening and these girls deserve a fighting chance!!!!